Thursday, January 22, 2009

Starting Out

So this is my first blog.....huh!
I have a passion for photography and I love people so I guess my purpose is to help people not to just create memories but to capture them!
I have taken pictures for some of my friends and am trying to get my self out there.
I have even asked a couple that I know to let me practice taking there pictures for me.
All throughout high school I thought I was going to be a photographer but that quickly did not become a reality for me as I found out it was really hard to start out and I did not have to means to support myself while trying. Years later I reignited my passion when my wonderful boyfriend of 6 years!!! bought me a great professional camera and I now have my dream back to take gorgeous photos for people to make them look and feel great! I am now trying to get this going for my self trying to get people to give me a chance and I feel that it is finally working!!

With life there are obstacles and all we can do is try to work through them while standing tall and confident. Well I am standing tall and I am confident that people will be happy with my work and I can capture there moments which will last forever!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah, I ave been a Pro Shooter for 25 years.
    As a pro you need to think about what type of
    Photography you want to do. Weddings, Portraits,
    Sports, and so on. Find a VERY GOOD
    Photographer so that you can be come an Photography assistant. Even if you have to assist free for the first couple of gigs. you can learn a lot from a High end Pro.Take your passion to the next level and learn all you can in the field of photography you choose.
    Learn Photoshop, Read all you can about Photography, and retouching.
    There are a lot of low level Photographers out there, and all they do is point their cameras at a subject and call them selves a pro.
    No thought of Light, Subject matter, or Composition.
    So work hard on your passion and never settle for just an O.K. photo. shoot a lot and have fun.
    Mike Chrouch
